Why Women Reject Men – And How to Stop Rejection

by chadhooper on February 24, 2012

why women reject men

Stop getting shut down by women...

Does it ever seem like no matter what you do women keep rejecting you? This is something that can be very frustrating. And worse, getting rejected by women all the time can have a very detrimental effect on your self esteem. So it is in your best interest to STOP getting rejected all the time, and the first step is understanding WHY women reject men.

This is a subject that I have really been fascinated with for a long time. And there’s a reason I find “rejection by women” such a compelling topic… You see, I have been rejected by a lot of women in my life, and I used to get really upset about about.

I’ve been dumped, laughed at, and cheated on. I’ve been stood up for dates, and I’ve had girls I was dating leave me at a party to go “hang out” with some other dude… So me and rejection have been acquainted for quite a long time now…

Over time, I have also discovered  how to stop getting rejected so much… In fact I don’t really ever get rejected anymore. Does that sound like a bold claim? More on that is a sec, but first here is a list of the top reasons why women reject men and idea on how to stop rejection before it happens.

The Top Reasons Why Women Reject Men:

1) She isn’t attracted to you… This reason should be obvious. If a woman doesn’t feel attracted to you then she won’t want to hang out later, go on a date, or make out with you. So if you don’t want to get rejected then the most important thing for you to focus on is becoming a more attractive person.

This doesn’t necessarily mean improving your looks, or getting a high paying job. These things can help, but your real focus should be on improving  your skills at talking to girls and flirting with girls… if you are good at these you can still attract women even if you are out of shape and broke.

2) She’s embaressed to be seen with you – Having a girl dis you hard when you try to approach her by saying something like “buzz off”, “I’m NOT interested” or “Why are you talking to me?” can hurt your feelings pretty bad. But, rather than blaming the girl for being mean, you’d do a lot better to understand WHY she is saying these things. The answer is pretty obvious: You aren’t coming across as “cool guy”…

Trust me, if a girl thinks that you are a cool guy she is NOT going to say anything like that to you. She doesn’t even need to be attracted to you right away. As long as she thinks that you are cool she’ll be polite and at least give you the benefit of the doubt and give a chance to attract her using those talking and flirting skills that I just mentioned.

How do you get her to see you as a cool guy when you first approach? Well the body language you use is very important… Women are good at picking up on nonverbal cues, so give her the non-verbal information that she needs about you first before you start trying to talk to her.

3) You act like a wuss or you come on too strong… Many times women will reject men because the guy doesn’t know how to progress from making friendly small talk and take things to a more intimate level.

There are two ways that guys mess up here. Either they wait too long and come across as nervous wimps, or they act to forward and aggressive and come across like creepy selfish jerks.

I would say it probably like a 95%-5% split… The vast majority of guys don’t come on strong enough and only a few are too aggressive, I think this is because the guys who are too aggressive realize the mistake that they are making pretty quickly and are able to correct it easily because all that they need to do is to hold back a little bit…

Shy guy have a tougher time here. The thing to remember is that if a woman is putting herself in a position where she is hanging out alone with like talking to you in the corner of a party for example, then she probably already likes you and won’t reject you… But if you don’t make a move she will probably reject you later because she’ll see you as “less than a man”.

4) You mess up your relationship – A lot of the time a woman will date you for a while and then reject you after a few weeks, months or even years. This kind of rejection is the worst because at this point you are already well invested in your ex and you have some really deep feelings for her.

When you get dumped it is easy to get mad at your ex and act like a victim. Instead, you should look at it as a learning lesson. 9 times out of ten the reason that she dumped you was because she stopped feeling good about you as a person… In other words something that you did, or didn’t do caused her to lose attraction for you.

Their are a lot of mistakes that guys can make in a relationship, but the most common are: giving up everything else in your life other than her, acting jealous, complaining and acting upset too much, and not making her feel special.

If you have an active life that you are happy with, and you make your girl feel special without acting jealous then she probably will want to stay with you for ever…

Rejection is not fun, but it’s a fact of life. Luckily though by learning about why women reject men you can greatly reduce the likely hood that you’ll be rejected in the future. And if you have already been rejected there are things you can do to get her back like I discussed in this review of the Text Your Ex Back program.

If you take the time to really educate yourself and understand what women want in a man, it is a lot easier to give them what they want and avoid being rejected in the future.

In closing try to see that rejection is really a “gift” because it teaches you what you need to do differently. Next time that a girl rejects you look at this list and see where you messed up, then fix that one thing.

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