Getting Her Back To Your Place

by chadhooper on March 2, 2011

Today I’ve got a really cool video to share from Dean Cortez the creator of  Mack Tactics.

It’s all about getting her back to your place… This is an incredibly important topic that there just isn’t really too much good info on.

I’m a big fan of Dean’s stuff and I’m going to be bringing you lots more from him, including more videos, articles and reviews of all his products. I mean he created Mack Tactics and this is How To Mack… so it seems fitting…

I like how Dean just breaks shit down real “normal-like” he doesn’t use that crazy PUA lingo that just confuses things most of the time…

His advice on how to get a woman to go back to your place is excellent in my opinion, but take a look and see what you think:


Download Dean’s Free S.W.A.T. Report Here
(Right Click And ‘Save As’ To Save The File)


You can click that link above to download the free ebook Dean talks about in the video – honestly I think it’s better than a lot of the ebooks other dating gurus charge you money for!

The advice Dean gives in the video is pretty darn close to what I usually do – except that instead of telling the girl that I need to go email my boss I just offer her a glass of wine on my deck. Not that there is anything wrong with Deans crafty ‘gotta send an email’ tactic, I just don’t bother because I figure that the girls I date will be cool with just coming on into mi casa for no good reason once I’ve gotten them to doorstep…

I also liked Dean’s advice on keeping your house clean, for more info on keeping your place female friendly read my post on how to pimp out your bachelor pad.

…Okay, I’m going to try to post every other day from now on, so check back soon, and if you liked that video from Dean check out his Mack Tactics program the amount of material is insane and it’s got really great content on the mindset of a mack as well as a ton of tactics for getting her back to your place nice and smooth!

>>>Click here for Mack Tactics

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